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an easy way to manage Custom Tabs in your Prestashop Shop , reorder, rename or disable Tabs Or do you even want to create new custom or global product Tabs ? Then this module is your ultimate solution!
What this module does for you ?
Product Tab Manager is Awesome is a Prestashop tabs module that will help you create a tab view, perfect for content-focused tabs. You can put on a global products listes or per product .
you can already display , reorder or manager easy your content in stunning tabs for your website.
- Unlimited number of products tabs
- 3 positions Hook Design
- Disable Prestashop Tabs
- Reorder Prestashop Tabs
- Rename Prestashop Tabs
- Create Custom Tabs
- Set a custom Title
- Full Editor
- Show only single Products
- Show tab Product Global
- Apply the custom tab for specific Products